Latest technologies integrated

We are consistently among the first hosting companies to provide their users access to the latest speed technologies. Our customers do not have to wait in order to take advantage of the newest PHP versions or the most innovative protocols and compression algorithms like Brotli, HTTP/2, TLS 1.3 and OCSP Stapling.

Ultrafast server setup

We developed a custom implementation of PHP and MySQL for high website performance. Our PHP setup alone significantly cuts the TTFB (time to first byte) and makes your pages load 30% faster on average.

Top WordPress speed

We continuously work to boost WordPress performance. All sites hosted with us get static and dynamic caching enabled, which alone results in up to 5x faster sites. We also preinstall our own Speed Optimizer plugin on all instances, which gives you out-of-the-box media and front-end optimizations and environmental control for more performance.